Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blog 27: Senior Project Reflection

1. Overall in my senior project, I am most proud of my service learning. I think that having the opportunity to work directly with the people I was researching gave me a really big advantage when it came time to choose answers to my essential question

2. On my 2 hour, I would have to give myself a P. I was really nervous and spoke way too quickly in the beginning, but I ended up making time requirements and covered everything I was supposed to, so I was able to do what was asked of me. 

On my overall senior project, I would have to give myself an AE. Throughout this project, I have consistently turned in quality work on time for every assignment. The dedication I showed to this topic over the last 9 months has surpassed anything else I have attempted in my life so far, and, as my product shows, I am not walking away from high school unchanged.

3. What worked for me in my senior project is beginning to do service learning so early in the school year. By starting so early, my interest in my topic was sparked early on, leaving me open to keep learning more about my topic.

4. One major thing that did not work for me with my senior project was how little we did first semester for the project, and how much we squished into these last few months. I-Search, towers, science fair, research, etc. could have been done a lot better in my eyes, if I had been given more time to do each. 

5. With my product, which deals with not judging people, I can already see a difference in the way I act towards other people in my daily life. It may be difficult to relate to, but I genuinely believe that working with a population of people I used to know nothing about has opened up my mind to be willing (an eager) to see what other types of people I haven't met yet!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blog 25: Service Learning

Log of Hours

All time used towards Independent Component is not included
Total Hours WITH Independent Components: 136.5 Hours

Contact: Shelly Lummus

  • Through my service learning, I discovered most of the information necessary to complete my senior project. Being able to work directly with the population that I was researching enabled me to take advantage of a first-hand look into the life of those in HIV+ drug rehabilitation. 
  • My essential question was created and answered entirely as a result of my service learning. The experiences I had with these patients was the best way to answer: "What is the most effective way to treat an HIV+ patient in drug rehab?"