Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog 5: Second Interview Questions Approval

Service Learning Location: Straight Talk, Cypress.
Interviewee: Shelly Lummus, Administrator 

Proposed Questions:

  1. What exactly is the purpose of your organization?
  2. Do you think that my volunteering at your facility will help me with my research?
  3. What types of tasks will you want me involved in during my volunteering?
  4. Will you allow me to get a more personal look into the world of HIV+ drug rehab?
  5. What are some limitations I may encounter while volunteering due to privacy laws?
  6. Will you be available/willing to answer any questions I may have when it comes to the work I will be doing in the facility?
  7. Is there anything else you think I should know while volunteering?
  8. Is there anything that I am not allowed to do while volunteering at your facility (any rules I must follow)?

Revision: October 8, 2011
  1. How did you get your interest in drug rehab/counseling?
  2. What is your education background regarding rehab?
  3. What made you want to pursue this a career?
  4. How does your job affect you as a person?
  5. Did you expect to make it as far as you have in the field? Why or why not?
  6. If you didn't pursue this career, where do you think you would've ended up?
  7. Do you believe that drug rehab/counseling was put in your life for a reason?
  8. What are some positive and negative aspects you see your job as?
  9. Any regrets on your career choice?
  10. What would you consider your biggest accomplishment in the business?

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