For Independent Component Two, I plan on completing an extra 30 hours of service learning. I am currently completing my service learning at Straight Talk under Administrator, Shelly Lummus.
I am confident that there will be no problem for me to complete the thirty hours required for the independent component. I have been volunteering a few days a week since the beginning of September, and I have already completed a large portion of my required hours.
Since Straight Talk is a counseling and rehab center that primarily focuses on drug addicts, I get an up-close look at what goes into treating an HIV+ drug addict in rehab. Straight Talk has two rehab "houses" dedicated to HIV+ patients, and the individuals that run these houses are more than happy to give me any information I may need if I ask. Unfortunately because I am not 18 years old, I am not able to volunteer directly at these houses. However, I still feel as though I am answering my EQ thoroughly through my Independent Component.
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