Monday, March 19, 2012

Blog 19: Answer Two

The most effective way to treat an HIV+ patient in drug rehab is by tailoring a treatment plan to fit the specific needs of each patient in any given facility.

Obviously, people are more willing to respond to anything that is geared specifically towards them, the individual. When it comes to an issue as touchy as HIV and drug rehabilitation, knowing that the plan you are following was created especially for you, you are more likely to follow it, as it becomes easier to see a successful ending. Also, each patient in a drug rehabilitation facility has their own story of why they got there in the first place, which means they each need their own way to ensure never having to come back to rehab. As an administrator, you must realize that coming up with one master plan to crank patients out of your facility will hurt the patient (and society), as you have no way of knowing whether or not you've addressed the specific reason the patient came to your facility in the first place. Relationships must be formed between patients and those administering treatment to make sure the patient gets the most help out of their stay. 

My service learning at Straight Talk, Inc. was, again, the biggest help in determining my second answer. Also, fact sheets from and the CDC have been extremely helpful in better understanding the many answers to my essential question.  

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