Thursday, February 23, 2012

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

  1. Do you find it difficult to interact with HIV+ people?
  2. What do you think about stigmas attached to HIV+ drug rehab patients?
  3. Have there been any particular stories you have heard that really caught your attention?
  4. Do you think many patients who have HIV know how they contracted it?
  5. Do you think many patients who have HIV knows how HIV spreads?
  6. Do many HIV+ patients believe their status is a death sentence?
  7. Do you think many patients who have HIV may have been able to avoid contracting it if they had more knowledge on the nature of the virus?
  8. Do you think many patients with HIV are cautious about spreading their virus with others? Or do they appear to not care about the welfare of others?
  9. What are some limitations an HIV+ person will have in attempting to live their everyday life?
  10. Do most HIV+ people know what the general population thinks about HIV?
  11. Are there certain qualities needed in a caregiver to successfully treat an HIV+ patient?
  12. Are there certain qualities needed in a therapist to successfully counsel an HIV+ patient? 
  13. Are there certain things that should be avoided when trying to treat an HIV+ patient?
  14. Are there certain things that should be specifically addressed when trying to treat an HIV+ patient?
  15. Do you think that most patients that leave your facility are ready to face the "real world"?
  16. What special measures must be taken when it comes to patients that are placed into your facility due to court mandating?
  17. How does your facility approach patients who are obviously unwilling to cooperate?
  18. What types of education are required of those that work at the rehab houses?
  19. Do you think that, in time, the world will become more or less accepting of those with HIV?
  20. What are some basic signs a patient may show to let you know their treatment is working? 

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